Audio compilation exploring the contradictions and congealings of students talking about their encounters with race and history on campus from the Methodologial Orientations research project.
Explored in the manuscript:
Flint (2021). Sounded histor-futurit-ies: Imagining posthuman possibilities of race and place in qualitative research. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.
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Referenced in “Creating Participatory Sound Portraits” - Link back to Sound Portraits Page
Included in Dissertation Installation in March 2019 as part of Methodological orientations: College student navigations of race and place in higher education
Exhibited as a sounded installation in May 2018 at the Washington Cultural Arts Center, Tuscaloosa AL as part of Un(wrapt): New arts research from Creative Campus: C(art)ographic Conjunctions
Presented at ICQI in May 2018: C(art)ographic conjunctions: a nomadology of belonging, place, and higher education